Let’s Grow Camp Capital Campaign
With facilities overpopulated for current capacity and continued demand, this is the right time to make this incredible project a reality. The driving force behind this expansion is mission focused on our belief that every child who wants a camp experience should have the opportunity.
YMCA camps are the highest impact youth programs in the national Y system due to their focus on the healthy development of young people in 3 core areas; achievement, belonging, and relationships.

Planned Improvements
The following improvements are planned to take place over the next several years:

Sewer Line
Currently we manage our own waste which limits the camp’s capacity. After completing this project Camp Weaver can increase capacity, reduce monthly costs and reduce maintenance work hours. In Progress

Dining Hall Extension
Building an extension on to the Herman Hall that will result in increasing camp capacity and increasing conference capacity. In Progress

Teen Village
Adding new cabins in a different location at camp to increase capacity by 144 overnight campers and provide additional rental group space. Currently secured funding for 2 new cabins, increasing capacity by 48. In Progress

Leadership Lodge
We plan on creating a building dedicated to our Leader in Training and Counselor in Training programs. We plan on building a center that houses 24 campers, 4 staff, a large communal learning area, kitchen and bathrooms. This building will also present new rental opportunities in our off-season for conferences and retreats.

Update Infirmary
Essential renovation as capacity increases. Adds additional living space for camp nurse as well as improved treatment space.

Camp Store
Essential construction as capacity increases. Will increase storage space for store items as well as increased storage space for lost and found items.

Day Camp Infrastructure
We plan to create purpose built spaces for Day Campers such as fire circles, shelters and activity areas.